My latest 'Thought for the Week' made it into the Lynn News this week - here it is, for anyone who is interested! Finding contentment is something I believe we all struggle with, at times – probably more often than we care to admit! We look at the size of our house, the state of our garden, the ‘perfect-looking’ families, smiling from their Facebook photographs and we feel the discontent stirring within. What is the answer to this endless conundrum? How can we find contentment and peace in a world that screams, all the time, that we need the next thing – the best, the biggest, and the brightest? Paul, the writer of the letter to the Philippians, in the Bible, tells us that he managed to “[learn] the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. ” I am amazed by this, whenever I read this verse or ponder his story. Paul was writing this from prison, of all places, and yet was able to ...