Belonging, as I do, to the Association of Christian Writers, I have the delight of meeting some fantastic writers, across all sorts of genres, both in person and online. We all do our best to encourage one another and champion one another’s work to do the hard task of making our books known…and get to read some fabulous books in the process! Jenny Sanders is someone whose fantastic work for young audiences is something I’ve come across recently. It is definitely one you should be adding to your Christmas list if you are book-shopping for a child aged around 7-11. Here is my review of her lovely book: I had the privilege of reading a pre-publication copy of Charlie Peach’s pumpkins and other stories. The very title drew me in, with its overtones of fun and jollity and, from the opening story to the final one, it more than met my expectations. As a teacher myself, I love Jenny’s dedication at the beginning of the book - an encouragement to teachers to never stop promoting the “satis...
Hello lovely blog-readers. It’s been a while! My poor blog has been sorely neglected for quite some time and a resurrection is long overdue. One of the reasons I haven’t written my own blog as much is because I blog monthly for the Association of Christian Writers, over on their More Than Writers Blog . Through my involvement with the ACW, I have the privilege of reading the books of many outstanding writers, who I also know as friends. There is something so special about receiving a book directly into your hand, signed and dedicated to you, written by someone you know and admire. One such wonderful author is Angela Hobday, who writes under her pen name, Annie Try. When she asked me to be part of her blog tour for her latest book, The Dangerous Dance of Emma JJ , there seemed no better reason to crank the gears of my blog back into action. So here I am. I hope you enjoy reading about a book and author I very much enjoy. Annie Try sign...