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Today, You Are Two

If you follow my blog, you will know that we lost my sister seventeen months ago, when my nephew was just seven months old.  Today, he turns two and is a whirlwind of fun and love.  He has forced us all to keep going through some really tough times, as, too, has his big sister.  My sister would be so proud of them both.  I wanted to write a poem to celebrate him - and her continued presence in his life.

Today, You Are Two

Today, you are two.

  I have watched you grow,
   As babies do,
 And marvelled,
  At your perfect, quizzical face,
 At your soft cheeks,
  As you smile
  And run away,
   Whenever I stoop
To ask you
For a hug.

Every time,
I catch you and you giggle.
You place your head,
On my shoulder,
For the briefest of moments;
I breathe you in -
A privilege, a delight.

In an instant,
You are off again,
Laughing and whirling;
You show me cars,
Or a train.
You beckon me
To kiss your teddies
And tuck them
Under your blanket.

Perfect little bundle
Of laughter and love!
Heaven’s gift of purest light –
You grow,
Defying the world,
Defying your loss.
An emblem of life
And joy.

For now,
You are immune to the pain
Of all you’ve been through,
Oblivious to the difference
Between your life
And others - 
The path you’ve been destined to walk.
Your scars will be different to ours.

You call, in the night,
When a fleeting dream
Interrupts your peaceful sleep.
Your vocabulary arsenal is growing –
Tractor, dog, come on! –
But one word –
So common to babies –
Is missing.


A word you don’t need,
But one we will make sure that you know.
Grandad shows you photographs,
As he bears you in his arms,
Along the hall way,
Carrying, in you,
A tiny portion of her, too.
Your face lights up,
Reflecting back
Another familiar countenance –
Her flame,
Kept alive,
In you.

Today, you are two.
She, too, would have watched you grow,
As babies do,
And marvelled,
At your perfect, quizzical face,
At your soft cheeks,
As you smile.
You would have run away,
From her, too,
If she were here,
To stoop
To ask you
For a hug.

She would catch you and you would giggle,
And place your head,
On her shoulder
For the briefest of moments.
And she would breathe you in;
Her privilege, her delight –
Her perfect little bundle
Of laughter and love.

One day,
You will understand.
One day,
You too will carry the burden we carry.
But, for now,
You clap at candles and cake
And we smile
At your quizzical little face
And our cheeks dimple,
In unison with yours –

Heaven’s gift of purest light,

Perfect, precious bundle,
Of laughter and love.


  1. Oh my word, so very beautiful and moving. Thank you x

  2. Beautiful! And sad. And so reminiscent for me. My daughter died when her baby was fifteen months old.

  3. Georgie, that is the most beautiful and poignant poem. Thank you for being brave enough to share it x

  4. Georgie, that is beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing this x

  5. So very touching and beautifully written. I think your sister would have been extremely proud of her sister too xx


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