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Showing posts from April, 2016

10 things that have changed about life with children now they are four years older than they used to be…!

A random ramble about motherhood...!   This morning I sent the boys upstairs to clean their teeth.   This may not sound like a very exciting start to a blog post, but I mention it because it is a new experiment. Usually I follow them up and clean Samuel’s teeth but now I am confident that he cleans his teeth well (on the whole) I am experimenting with giving the two of them a bit of independence.   “Oh good,” I thought.   “This could be the ‘it gets easier as they get older’ bit, where I get to calmly finish my coffee while they complete the requested task.”   Here is what ensued: arguing, pushing, tale-telling, one being whacked on the head with a bath-toy boat oar (you couldn’t script it!) and a wailed accusation of one ‘popping’ on the other one’s head! I almost straw-polled my Facebook friends to ask the question: “At what age can you ask two small boys to go and do something and expect the outcome to even vaguely match the request?! I suspect the answers would be varied.